Countrywide Hillwalkers Association

Enjoying healthy exercise in beautiful countryside.

Walkers Energy Bar

The original link to this recipe was changed some time ago so I'm re-posting this item with the latest link.

Recipe requested by B Walker testers after our Glendalough walk on 20th November 2010. I made this recipe having watched the River Cottage programme on Channel 4, I actually doubled the recipe and made a large tray of the bars. Incidentally it keeps well in an airtight tin. Their website reference explains it much better than I could. Enjoy, Rhoda

rhoda -- Mon, 01/05/2017 - 20:41

Social Event News

At the Mince Pie Evening the winner of the Wicklow Heather Trophy 2016 was Rosamond Philips for the best photograps on the theme of 'Mountains.

At the New Year Lunch in Wynne's Hotel the Belfast Cup 2016 was won by Frank Hayes after a tie-buster with John Breheny.

Coming Social events The Belfast lunch with the Belfast CHA is on 11th February 2017.

The next social evening has been changed to Tuesday 7 February 8pm. Usual location and presentation by Lenny Antonelli - "East of Ireland Walks - on River and Canal".

robert -- Wed, 25/01/2017 - 12:36


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